postponed | [un]learning structures #7 | discrimination sensitive production
Due to illness, this workshop will be postponed to friday, 21.04.2023.
People who have already registered will be contacted directly by produktionsbande.
about this workshop
In the workshop discrimination-sensitive production Agnieszka Habraschka and Melmun Bajarchuu build on the previous parts of the series [un]learning structures and explore with the participants concrete practical implementations for discrimination-sensitive, power-critical and sustainable production work. In doing so, we will draw on the wealth of experience of those present, address fears and anxieties, and formulate basic ideas for needs-based production.
A prerequisite for participation is the willingness to provide insight into one's own work practice and to learn from each other in a (self-)critical exchange.
relaxed session
The workshop is designed as a relaxed session: You can participate sitting or lying down, moving around during the workshop or using your stim toys - all forms of participation are welcome! Please take care of yourself, bring your favorite comfy clothes, favorite drinks, snacks and anything else that will make participation comfortable for you. There is no need to keep your camera turned on!
It is important that participants are present for the entire workshop, as the different parts build on each other.
agnieszka habraschka
Agnieszka Habraschka came to Germany from Eastern Poland when Agnieszka was six years old and positions as white, hearing, neurodivergent. Agnieszka has lived experience of poverty and invisible disability and works as a production manager at making a difference and freelances as a consultant and workshop leader on issues of accessibility and anti-abuse in cultural organizations.
melmun bajarchuu
melmun bajarchuu moves at the borders of art, theory and politics as a thinker and discourse partner and takes on diverse roles in collaborative artistic processes, including critical companion, curator and production manager. She is driven by the desire for diversity in artistic expression and the questioning of existing structures and associated power relations and exclusion mechanisms. She is particularly interested in the interweaving of theories and practices in the context of post-structuralist, post- and decolonial, and queerfeminist issues. She is involved in the initiative for solidarity in theatre and with produktionsbande for intersectional perspectives and fairer working conditions in the performing arts. Since 2020, she has been working as a peer-to-peer consultant in the field of anti-discrimination at the Performing Arts Program Berlin (PAP).
about [un]learning structures
The events in the frame of [un]learning structures - curated and organized by nara virgens, epona hamdan & melmun bajarchuu - tackle questions of how to produce in a way that is sensitive towards different forms of discriminiation and critical of power structures in the performing arts with a focus on accessibility from an anti-ableist perspective, racism through a structural lense, thinking about how sustainability intersects with these two themes – and how these approaches can be put into practice. more about the event series [un]learning structures
target group
The workshop is aimed at protagonists in artistic production within the independent performing arts who want to reflect on and redesign or further develop existing production processes. With its practical focus, the workshop aims at the application of the presented contexts in existing production processes, which the participants shape or redesign in their individual work environment.
waiting list
This workshop has a limited number of participants. If the event is already fully booked on our website, you can contact martin by mail, who will keep a waiting list and contact you if there are any free places.