
produktionsbande is a decentrally organized network.

As a diverse coalition, we collectively strengthen knowledge transfer among protagonists in artistic production within the independent performing arts. The network facilitates supraregional knowledge exchange and provides space for experimental exploration. Thanks to the decentralized structure, the concerns, observations and wishes of producers from all over Germany come together and can also be compared in international exchange through cooperation. As producers operate at the intersections of artistic practices, organizational linkages, cultural policy, and social structures, the network is always evolving.

Our aim is to bring diverse perspectives in relation to cultural policy matters, working as interfaces between artistic practice and their structural frameworks. To enhance knowledge exchange, which we see as a crucial opportunity for collective networking, we conceive and realize various formats such as regional and nationwide network meetings, workshops, hosted visits, residencies and mentorings.

The network is open to all protagonists in artistic production within the independent performing arts. Topic based working groups develop formats and programs that respond to the needs and concerns circulating within the network. These groups work autonomously, bringing their interim results and outcomes to regularly scheduled meetings. Organizational support for the working groups is provided by the coordination team focusing on communication, administration & finance, and formats. The organizational structure of the network is in a constant process with a high degree of flexibility.

Thanks to the #TakeNote funding and support from the NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste, the pilot phase for our nationwide network began in 2021. With support from the "Fostering Connections" program – realized by the Federal Association for the Independent Performing Arts with funding by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media – we can expand our network and broaden our programmatic and structural scope.