
produktionsbande - network performing arts producers is a decentralized association.

As a multifaceted association, we strengthen the transfer of knowledge between protagonists of artistic production in the independent performing arts together. In cultural policy matters, we would like to contribute heterogeneous perspectives of artistic producers as interfaces between art practice and its structural frameworks.

To strengthen the exchange of skills and knowledge, which we also see as an important occasion for building connections, we design and implement various formats, e. g. regional and national network meetings, workshops, hosted visits and residencies.

Together, we design and organize our projects in topic-based working groups in which interested members are involved. Those groups work independently and autonomously. They bring their interim results to regular meetings. Organizationally, the working groups are supported by three coordinating persons with the following focusses: communications, administration & finance, and formats.

The network is open to all protagonists involved in artistic production in the independent performing arts. It is possible to participate actively and compensated in the working groups or to get involved and informed in the network by participating in the public formats.

Thanks to the #TakeNote funding and the support of the North Rhine-Westphalia State Office for the Independent Performing Arts, the pilot phase for our nationwide network started as early as 2021. With the funding of the program "verbindungen fördern", we can further expand our network, deepen our program and broaden our structures.