wanted: previous applications before the artist social fund (KSK)

wanted: previous applications before the artist social fund (KSK)


The ksk-access for producers working group within produktionsbande has been in direct contact with the access working group, which is linked to the advisory board of the Künstlersozialkasse (KSK), since 2022.

Based on the KSK's previous understanding that producers provide organizational and therefore not artistic work, we have drafted an argumentation paper with produktionsbande activists. This paper attempts to provide arguments that the activity of producers is in fact also an artistic one.

The feedback from representatives of the KSK advisory board's access working group on the current status of our argumentation paper was very positive. They recommended that we supplement the argumentation paper with applications from producers for admission to the KSK, among other things.

We are therefore looking for people who have submitted applications to the KSK as producers in the independent performing arts (in the broadest sense). For our argumentation paper, it is not decisive whether the applications were rejected or approved. Every single application submitted, including feedback from the KSK, helps us to finalize our argumentation paper.

For all those who can and would like to share their applications and KSK feedback, we have set up an e-mail address to which the documents can be sent: ksk@produktionsbande.org

The applications received via the above e-mail address will be processed exclusively by suse berthold, who will also black out the personal data in the application in order to anonymize the collection of applications.