contract law

contract law

Thu 02.11.23 | 10:00 - 14:00 (CET)
online via zoom

in German spoken language
contributions/questions in English are welcome!

Registration completed

about the workshop

Following a brief introduction to the basics of contract drafting, we will discuss their respective prerequisites for typical contract constellations occurring in the performing arts. At the end of the workshop, we will engage with a practical example to jointly try to implement what has been learned before.

What questions have already arisen in your work context that you would like to ask Sepide respectively discuss together? Feel invited to send specific questions in advance to: with the subject line "contract law - workshop produktionsbande".

sepide freitag

Sepide Freitag is a lawyer and producer in Cologne and Brussels. She studied law in Cologne and Beijing and completed her legal traineeship at the German Embassy in Tokyo and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development in Berlin, among others. She worked in legal departments and law firms in labour, media and copyright law and gained international lobbying experience in the international and human rights field as a legal and policy advisor in associations and NGOs in Brussels and Berlin. After her first state examination, she studied art history in Bonn for a few semesters and, as a producer in the field of dance and performance, co-directed the agency she co-founded, Danila-Freitag, Agentur für darstellende Künste in Berlin, until 2023.

As a board member of the worldwide producers' network PADA, she campaigns for better working conditions for producers and, as a lawyer, advises clients from the arts and creative scene in the fields of corporate law, contract law and copyright and media law. In addition to associations and cultural institutions, her clients also include producers and artists, for whom she regularly gives workshops on the legal areas relevant to the scene.

There will be a half-hour break.
There will be breakout rooms.
Participant interaction will or can take place in breakout rooms and during questions.
Participants can decide for themselves whether they have the camera on or off.

The workshop is addressed at anyone who is or will be involved with contracts. No prior knowledge is assumed, basic legal knowledge is helpful. For those experienced with contracts, the workshop can provide deeper legal background knowledge.The workshop deals with contracts in the freelance context.