skills & discourse #5: EXCEL IS NOT A LANDSCAPE
language: German
(contributions in english are most welcome)
registration required
with martin bien
Moderation: Sofie Luckhardt
On the one hand, Excel is a simple calculation program, but on the other hand it can be quite intimidating for beginners. For everyday production, however, a look at the budget is unavoidable and usually also directly connected with opening Excel.
In this workshop, Martin Bien, a producer based in Frankfurt am Main, provides an overview of selected basic functions and shows, for example, how a simple document assignment can be used to create a basic accounting structure and thus also a budget monitoring system in just a few steps.
In the four-hour workshop, Martin Bien invites all participants to work together on the following question: How can my administration system (e. g. records, budget monitoring, documentation) react to as many needs and mapping requirements as possible?
Don't worry: It won't be a four-hour one way input.
All event information is also available here as a pdf (in German).