hosted visits: info-zoom for hosts
language: german or english
at the start of onboarding, we ask whether it is possible for all participants to switch to english if necessary.
peer-to-peer learning
With hosted visits, we offer a format that focuses on peer-to-peer learning: A host introduces his or her own region to interested visitors. The structure and scope of the hosted visit can be planned and freely designed in a joint exchange between the participants.
We see the hosts as experts in their region who want to provide insights into the specifics of the funding and art landscape in their city, region, or state, on the one hand, and into their own work practice on the ground, on the other. The hosts offer their expertise to the visitors.
As part of our info zoom, we introduce the format to all people who are interested in being hosts, inviting producers to their region and realizing a hosted visit as part of the produktionsbande program.
The info zoom will be moderated by sofie luckhardt.