network meeting 2022
Sun 06.11.22, 00:00
Schwere-Reiter-Straße 2c,
80637 Munich (Germany)
language: German
(contributions in english are most welcome)
registration required until 15.09.2022
The annual network meeting took place at MUCCA in Munich from 04 - 06.11.22 from 15:00 to 15:00.
The registration deadline was 15.09.2022. We have only a limited capacity of participants*, so we ask you to register as soon as possible and understand that registrations will be handled on a first come, first served basis.
Travel costs of up to 100€ per person (possibly more depending on availability) can be reimbursed. In addition, produktionsbande will provide a limited number of rooms at the Leonardo Hotel (near the venue) for 11/04/05 if needed.
With the registration, the participants commit themselves to comply with the legally prescribed hygiene regulations and can show a certificate of recovery, vaccination or a negative test result, if required.
The big network meeting of produktionsbande is organized in cooperation with the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland/InfoPlus.
welcome & program
We are very happy that you are participating in the second annual network meeting of produktionsbande!
Producing in the independent performing arts is not just pure organization. Producing can be artistic complicity, complex translation, transparent budgeting and monitoring, prudent accompaniment and strategic placement. And much more.
As producers, production managers, creative producers and accomplices in the independent performing arts, we are well aware of this broad field of activity. And the independent scene - at least as represented by the Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste (Federal Association of Independent Performing Arts) - at the latest with our federal funding within the framework of Verbindungen fördern now also.
This funding is a recognition as a group of actors within the independent performing arts and at the same time also the opportunity to expand our networking as producers.
What started a few years ago as an informal email distribution initiative of participants of the Academy for Performing Arts Producers has now developed into an address for job offers as the Superproducers distribution list. And the informal chat group Art(s) of Producing, which has moved from Telegram to the messenger app Signal - currently 288 members and growing - has developed from an open exchange of experiences to a "mega good archive and knowledge repository" (Telegram, 27.06.2022).
But now we are looking forward - beyond distribution lists and group chats - to the common exchange among each other, the informal conversation over a coffee, the unplanned encounter, the spontaneous getting to know each other - face to face. Without it having to be about a current project; without it having to be about to-do lists.
The annual network meeting is primarily about you, about us and our common network. We look forward to all the encounters ahead!
The complete program can be found here: programm großes netzwerktreffen 2022 (in German)
thank you!
Our second big network meeting is behind us. Together with eighty producers, we got to talk about the current situation and future of producers in the independent performing arts through workshops, discussions and exchange formats.
We leave this year's meeting with numerous impressions, feedbacks and ideas and sort through all the input we received from you. We thank all participants, workshop- and impulse-givers for your presence, discussion and exchange.
If you would like to send us written feedback, please feel free to contact us by email at
For all those who could not be there this year: There will be another big network meeting in 2023. In the meantime, we are organizing regional network meetings together with interested local producers. If you are interested in organizing a regional meeting in your city or region - e.g. docked to a festival, an industry meeting, another networking event - please feel free to contact us anytime via email at