excel is not a solution (but a tool)

excel is not a solution (but a tool)

Tue 25.03.25
10:00 – 14:00
online via zoom

language: german spoken language, questions and comments in english are welcome

Places still available: 16

about the workshop

The workshop excel is not a landscape has laid the foundations for budget monitoring within an individual production in the independent performing arts. By linking a continuous document entry with the cost centres within the cost and financing plan, a system is created that allows producers to see at any time which funds from the overall and individual budgets are still available for use in a production and which have already been spent.

With the workshop excel is not a solution (but a tool), martin bien builds on basic Excel functions (SUMIF, IF/S, VLOOKUP) and invites participants to combine them with each other. The aim of the workshop is to develop a monitoring template that is further developed from a single production to a cross-production Excel logic.

Based on a fictitious artists' collective and several sample productions within a calendar year, the participants will develop a budget monitoring template consisting of several cost and financing plans, but only one central document entry. The workshop will result in a budget monitoring system that can be helpful for producers to support collectives and individual artists with several projects.

To participate in the workshop, participants must be able to work with formulas in Excel in general and use selected functions (e. g. SUMIF, IF/S, VLOOKUP) in Excel in particular. The aim of the workshop is to combine these and other functions with each other. You do not need to have attended the excel is not a landscape workshop to register for this event.


The workshop is aimed at producers in the independent performing arts who consider themselves advanced in their work with Excel and who would like to familiarise themselves with the above-mentioned functions and the above-mentioned work scenario.

The workshop is divided into five sections:

1) check-in: All participants briefly introduce themselves, share their previous experiences and problems with Excel and formulate their individual wishes for the workshop.

2) presentation: In a short impulse, Martin emphasises the role of producers as an interface between everyday admin and powerful administrative work. Among other things, he emphasises that administrative work - in the literal sense: the use of force - also requires a power-critical perspective among producers.

[Break of approx. 10 minutes]

3) group work: Martin presents the scenario of a fictitious collective of artists, their projects and their cost and financing plans. In the workshop, he provides a Google spreadsheet in which all participants can work simultaneously. The aim is to link a central document entry system, in which all relevant invoice data is entered, with the cost and financing plans in order to achieve cross-project budget monitoring.

[Break of approx. 30 minutes]

4) smaller group work: In break-out rooms, participants can continue working on the template provided in small groups of e. g. two people each. In the small group work, the participants have time to develop and convert the template into their own. Martin provides all participants with the template as a file for each individual.

5) conclusion & feedback: In the last part of the workshop, all participants come together again in the large group to clarify any remaining questions and share feedback on the workshop.

This event is part of the three-part workshop series excells with the following dates:

  • excel is not a landscape | thu, 20.02.2025, 10 - 14 | addressees: beginners

  • excel is not a solution | tue, 25.03.2025, 11 - 15 | addressees: advanced

  • excel is a life | tue, 29.04.2025, 10 - 13 | addresses: nerds

This workshop has a limited number of participants. If the event is already fully booked on our website, please contact us via our contact form. We will then keep a waiting list and contact you if there are any vacancies.

your workshop registration

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