digital meta lunch: cultural-political positioning of produktionsbande
13:00 – 14:00
in English spoken language
about this workshop
In view of the current (cultural) political situation, produktionsbande wants to position itself more clearly in 2025 and communicate the concerns of creative producers and cultural producers more strongly in the political arena. To this end, we will draw up a position paper that addresses options for action and issues of attitude as specifically as possible. In the process leading up to the final paper, we want to take into account the diversity and heterogeneity of the profession and of produktionsbande in the usual way.
It's up to you: spend your lunch break with us (bringing your food is welcome) and let's collect positions, opinions and grievances in our profession together!
The results of these events will then flow directly into the further writing process so that creative producers can soon make their positions heard nationwide.
The digital meta lunch is hosted by the working group "Schnittstelle" of produktionsbande.
The digital meta lunch invites direct interaction via oral contribution, chat or an external whiteboard (Miro). Camera not obligatory, relaxed participation desired. German spoken language, English contributions welcome.
All creative producers and cultural producers with work experience in Germany (no matter to what extent) who would like to work on a cultural-political positioning for producers through produktionsbande are invited.